Friday 17 February 2012

Derek's New Zealand Blog 2012

Thursday 2nd February

Haast to Westport

Woke with lots of Mosquitoes bites & lots of buzzing all night. Tried to sleep under the covers but sweated cobbs all night. On the road to Fox Glacier early after a quick & easy breakfast.

Taramakau River Road & Rail Bridge on Highway 6

Crossed Cook River on way to Fox Glacier Village. First sighting of a road and rail bridge  at Camerons, near Greymouth. As we waited for Information Centre to open at Fox Village, the gods drew back the cloud curtains high in the sky to reveal the Southern Alps. Very strange sensation for someone who never raises his head more than a few degrees to see the top of the mountain.

Southern Alps from Fox Village
Coffee at the Fox Glacier car park before the walk in to the unknown. When entering the Fox Glacier car park, Chris and I had a big shock at the first speed hump, or sleeping policeman. The bus almost took off, Neither of us saw the potential problem, the hump look innocuous. Walked up the old glacier bed, of 1930's and earlier. Signs on the road to the car park show where the ice has retreated from over the years. Short diversion for safety to left of glacier over stream stepping stones to the glacier viewing area. 

Path to Fox Glacier
Apart from a couple leaving the area, nobody was around, so I was tempted to nip over the rope and walk the couple of hundred years to touch the ice. The thought only lasted a millisecond. The huge slices of ice were at precarious angles, just like cut slices of bread all falling over when opening a packed.

Fox Glacier from Path
Fox Glacier from Path
Fox Glacier from Path
Fox Glacier - Bottom End of Ice
End of Fox Glacier Ice - Start of Fox River
Derek at Fox Glacier

Looking back from Fox Glacier towards Cone Rock

The views of the glacier are so spectacular, I decided I would like to see Franz Josef Glacier also. Hurried back to Chris waiting in the bus to discussed the itinerary. 

Franz Josef Glacier from End of Wooded Area
Walked from Franz Josef car park along the wooded path and the old bed of the glacier to the current ice face. Walk much longer than it looked across the wide bolder ridden valley floor, past huge vertical cliffs and spectacular waterfalls. The end of the ice face looked disappointing at first, then I realised the ice was dirty from dust and stones off the nearby rock face.

Franz Josef Glacier from Path

Met a couple of Canadians, Chris & Rory, taking a photo of a Canadian Flag. I offered to take a photo so they could both be in the shot. They reciprocated by taking a photo of me & Flat Cody. 

Canadians, Rory & Chris by Franz Josef Glacier

Wilson Rock Waterfalls from Franz Josef Glacier Path

Derek at Franz Josef Glacier
Next to the ice face was, and probably still is, a massive pile of stones, each stone an average of 5cm across. When I walked towards the hill of stones I realised it had been roped off, with a sign saying, guided groups only beyond this point. I discussed the situation at length with an American and we decided to recruit a large group and take the plunge. I puffed up hill as usual, but when we reached the top, the views were magnificent. 

Franz Josef Glacier
Lots of more photos before hurrying back to Chris at the minibus. Have a careful look at the next three photos of climbers on the ice. The photos are an example of the actual size of the huge and vast ice field.

Walkers on Franz Josef Glacier

Walkers Slightly Left and Up from Middle of Photo

Walkers Slightly Left of Middle of Photo
Drove north on Highway 6 past 'Ross', a former gold mining town, to 'Hokitika' for some provisions and a coffee.

Dense Bush before Ross

Hokitika Town Centre
Wonderful varied scenery on West Coast, unfortunately the weather wasn't too kind, with several showers around Hokitika. The low cloud obscured the impressive views of the Southern Alps for most of our journey north. Stopped at Shantytown Replica Mining Town. Too late to ride the steam train but we both enjoyed the atmosphere of the old buildings. Continued to Greymouth for a pub lunch and a quick look around the town.

Ducks Crossing Road near Chesterfield on Highway 6
Wega Bird in Shantytown
Shantytown Heritage Park
Speights Ale House, Mawhera Quay, Greymouth

Continued north on State Highway 6 again to Paparoa National Park. Stopped at Punakaiki to view the Pancake Rocks and Blowholes, by taking the well planned walkway.

Pancake Rocks at Punakaiki
Blowholes at Punakaiki
North again to Westport to buy fuel and park for the night, armed with insect killer and insect repellent.
24 degrees C, 90% Cloud
5% Rain
Warm & Dull 

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