Wednesday 15 February 2012

Derek's New Zealand Blog 2012

Wednesday 1st February

Middlemarch to Haast

Woke to a sunny day, but still windy. Good views across the Rock & Pillar Range of Mountains. Only a few trees by picnic area, but from wind noise it sounded like a forest of trees. A quick swig of water, then on the road, State Highway 87, soon reaching Sutton and Middlemarch. Shower of rain & low cloud after Middlemarch, but by the time we reach Hyde and passed Brent's truck the weather had started to brighten. The Central Otago Rail Trail started in Middlemarch and after passing we kept an eye on the route as it wound its way either side of the road. The trail is the route of the old rail track bed and is now converted to a walking and cycling route. Soon after Hyde we passed a memorial site for a train crash in 1943, when 21 people died.

Memorial to Train Crash  4th June 1943
We stopped for coffee and to stretch our legs at Ranfurly, as the low cloud over the mountains was slowly starting to lift. We enjoyed the coffee at the Ewes and Moos Cafe opposite an anti-aircraft gun. I took even more photos then on the road again.

Anti Aircraft Gun in Ranfurly
The next stop was Wedderburn, by the old original railway station. Now the favourite stopping location for the walkers and riders on the Central Otago Rail Trail. Several could be seen milling around the station. Continued on Highway 85, passing the North Rough Ridge Mountains and the Raggedy Range Mountains to Omakau and Springvale, where we turned right to miss Alexandra Town for Highway 8. Many of the mountains we were passing are higher than the Lake District peaks and most of Snowdonia.

Otago Central Rail Station, Wedderburn
Soon after joining Highway 8 we arrived at Clyde, the location of the new Hydro Electricity Dam. We stopped to view the massive and impressive engineering achievement as the weather improved further. (Memories of the other Clyde Hydro Project at New Lanark, near Glasgow, AA book 'No Through Road' Walk No.??) After Clyde we travelled the Cromwell Gorge, again awesome views of the Old Man Range Mountains to the west and Dunston Range Mountains to the east.

Clyde Dam & Power Station
Stopped again at a picnic area along the Cromwell Gorge by Lake Dunston, to take photos, more breathtaking views of Cromwell Gorge.

Lake Dunston from Cromwell-Clyde Road
Lake Dunston from Cromwell-Clyde Road Picnic Area
Lake Dunston from Cromwell-Clyde Road Picnic Area
Picnic Area from Cromwell-Clyde Road

Short distance down the road before we stopped yet again. This time to see the location a former gold rush in 1862.
Lake Dunston from near Cromwell
Visited Cromwell Old Town. Signed the visitors book and spent time viewing the museums before we went shopping for food and fuel.

Cromwell from Highway 8
Cornish Point on Lake Dunston & Dunston Mountains from Old Cromwell
Cromwell Old Town
From Cromwell we continued along Lake Dunston with the Pisa Range Mountains on the left. The mountains were becoming more and more impressive as we travelled further north and west towards the west coast and the Southern Alps.

Grandview Mountain Range by Highway 8a
 from Highway 6 near Queensbury
As we approached Wanaka we passed Puzzling World, where buildings are leaning in all directions.

Puzzling World from Highway 84 before Wanaka
Lunch on Lakeside at Wanaka with garden birds on table looking for scraps. Fantastic views across Lake Wanaka to Rob Roy Peak and the Southern Alps.

Rob Roy Peak & Lake Wanaka from Ardmore Street, Wanaka
House Sparrow on Ardmore Street, Wanaka
More magnificent views of mountains by Lakes Hawea & Wanaka and Haast Pass between Mount Aspiring National Park and Mountain Ranges Mataketake & Young.

Corner Peak from Lake Hawea
Mount Strauchon from Lake Hawea
Breast Hill & Lake Hawea
Corner Peak & Lake Hawea
Silver Island, Rocky Point & Lake Hawea
Southern Alps & Lake Wanaka
Mount Burke of Southern Alps from near Makarora
Travelled down Haast Pass and visited the impressive Fantail Falls & Thunder Creek Falls. Continued down Haast Pass to Haast Village. Considered stopping for night, but decided to continue north along coast. Sea mist prevented us from seeing the sea horizon. Stopped on Bruce Bay, but as we fiddled with the gas we realised the sand flies were biting. When we finished our sandwiches we moved to just beyond Jacob's River Village to stop for the night. There we were bothered by mosquitoes. Swig of beer before retiring for the night.

Fantail Falls iin Haast Pass
Thunder Creek Falls in Haast Pass
Approaching Haast on the Tasman Sea Coast
25 degrees, 50% cloud
Rain at first
Glorious sunshine later

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