Saturday 21 January 2012

Derek's New Zealand Blog 2012

Monday 16th January

Drove to Chris's after a visit to town to exchange the faulty webcam. Internet now working through wireless, with help from Kay, great. Dogs wondered over the hill to explore the ravines, Chris chased after them in car. Dogs found near back road over the hill. Dogs spent rest of day in cage.

Two Dogs, one Ball, Jed & Tor

All five of us out for a meal at Fat Harry's, then into town for a drink at the most impressive 'Duke of Wellington' public house, recently renovated. I think it was a hotel in past years. Ceilings especially very impressive, wonderfully decorative. Brent & Kay took me on another tour of the city at night. Went through the city to the North East Valley, and the Steepest Street in the World, Baldwin Street. Then onto the lookout at Signal Hill. Most impressive, must go back with my camera.

Two Dogs, one Ball, Tor & Jed

Sunny periods
18 degrees C, 65% Cloud
No rain

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