Sunday 22 January 2012

Derek's New Zealand Blog 2012

Thursday 19th January

Drove into Mosgiel with Chris for some wood for the minibus living space. Constructing the Beds/Seats. 
Drove along the Otago Peninsular in the evening with Kay & Brent to look for the public hide alongside the Yellow Eyed Penguin Colony. Brent drove along the high level scenic route to Portobello, with stunning views over Otago Harbour, towards Sandfly Bay and along shore of Hoopers Inlet.

Ravensbourne from Highcliff Road

Harbour towards Port Chalmers from Highcliff Road

Varleys Hill from Hoopers Inlet Road

Continued through Portobello Village and past Harwood village again, towards Revone Beach, looking for Yellow Eye Penguin signs. Took Pipikaretu Road towards Pipikaretu Beach but was blocked by companies willing you to pay for their transport. As it was near sunset we decided to look around Taiaroa Head and parked in the huge car park. Wind very strong and gusty, blowing from south west. Other nature lovers were well prepared by being wrapped up warmly. It seemed strange at first, then I got cold and shivery. Walked to the more sheltered east of the head and saw a couple of Albatrosses souring over the lighthouse while I passed hundreds of juvenile Red Billed Gulls, some within inches of your feet.

Albatross over Taiaroa Head

Red Billed Gull Chicks on Taiaroa Head

Taiaroa Head & Lighthouse

Spotted Shags Nesting on Taiaroa Head Cliffs

Spotted Shags Nesting on Taiaroa Head Cliffs

Sunset over Otago Harbour from Taiaroa Head

Great views of the cliffs from the safety fence. Slowly walked along the fence until a colony of Spotted Shags were visible on the almost sheer rock face. Rabbits also seen in the grass near the top of the cliffs. As it was getting cold and dark we decided to head back to Dunedin. We drove out of the almost empty car park and noticed lots of cars parked nearby at a Pilots Beach sign. As we passed the beach we noticed lots of people by a barrier all dressed for the cold wind. Brent turned the car around and parked with the other cars by Pilots Beach.
Investigation revealed that the beach was used by Blue Penguins during the night and they would go ashore at dusk. It was just a case of waiting approx twenty minutes. Sure enough one or two Blue Penguins could be seen as the light faded and the temperature dropped. I took several photos without the flash, but my hands shivered so badly the camera would not focus. I was surprised how small the penguins were, not much bigger than a gull. I expected a standard height of about a metre high. Delighted to have seen my first penguin, we travelled back to Dunedin happy. What a fantastic adventure in New Zealand.

Blue Penguin on Pilots Beach at Taiaroa Head

Blue Penguin Sign at Pilots Beach on Taiaroa Head

Sunny & warm
24 degrees C, 25% Cloud
No rain

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