Thursday 26 January 2012

Derek's New Zealand Blog 2012

Sunday 22nd January

Walked Jed the dog from Chris's along Riverside Road to Bush Road and return. Good views, windy & chilly. Dog on long lead. Worked on the minibus.
16 degrees C, 60% cloud
Windy & chilly
Many showers

Monday 23rd January

Walked Jed the dog on a long lead from Chris's along Riverside Road to Bush Road again and return. Very windy & chilly. Had to hold my cap on and only had to chase it a few times.
Drove with Chris to Dunedin to get the materials to renew the electrics. Mains and 24Volts. Visited numerous shops without complete succes, but had more ideas after visiting the warrant inspector in Mosgiel.
Returned to Chris's to check the wiring runs and discuss the routing of the new cables.
16 degrees C, 100% cloud
Very windy & chilly
No rain

Tuesday 24th January

Worked on minibus straight after breakfast, installing mains cables and fitting.  Drove with Kath into Dunedin for more electrical materials.
20 degrees C, 30% cloud
Glorious sunshine
No rain

Wednesday 25th January

Walked Jed the dog towards Bush Road. Worked on the minibus mains cable conduit fitting & earth location change. Preparing for low voltage re-wire.
20 degrees C, 25% cloud
Glorious sunshine
No rain
Shorts and floppy hat day

Thursday 26th January

Walked Jed the dog to the cattle sign near Bush Road. Worked on the minibus mains cable earth Preparing for low voltage re-wire. Cable wiring approved.
18 degrees C, 95% cloud
Cloudy and warm
Heavy evening rain

More photos :-

 January 11th - Kath at Middlemarch Arches

 January 11th - Rock Outcrop near Middlemarch

 January 12th - Canon at Lower Portobello

 January 12th - Albatross and Penguin Sign
at Lower Portobello

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